Wednesday, July 22, 2009

version 1.5.0 of sdssidl released

I haven't posted in a while. Lots has happened. I think I'll start slow:

Amy Kimball and I just released v1.5.0 of sdssidl. You can get it here:

Here is a look at the changes:

bug fixes:
gcc 4.3 has turned many warnings into errors. Hundreds of fixes were
applied to fixe these mostly harmless problems.
skiplines works properly now for ascii_read() C++ DLM.
pro/util/ Bug fix; code checks for overlapping ranges of
input arrays.
pro/astro/ Bug fix; output fixzed so values are between 0
and 2!pi.
pro/sdss/gc2csurvey: misnamed procedure internally. Incorrect docs.

New Files:
pro/util/ Check if a value is contained in an array or matches
a scalar.
pro/util/ Convert idl variables to strings.
pro/util/ Convert from idl strings to variables.
pro/plotting/ A fork from that supports color
strings, no default box, box color, etc.

minor changes:
1: Search for Dynamically Loadable module if no files are found.
If /dlm is set search onlyl for those.
2: /show: display the first match found.
3: Now use file_search, to avoid a bug in idl 7.0.
pro/idlstruct_files/ support ascii
pro/plotting/ support color strings.
pro/plotting/ Added \sun and made roman font !3
pro/plotting/ support color strings.
pro/plotting/ support asinh scaling with
pro/htm/ Fixed incorrect docs
pro/fits/ Allow specify extension.
pro/util/ Use file_which
pro/sdss/ Use prefix=,suffix=
pro/sdss/ flagname, plotting
pro/sdss/ sensible dealing with reruns. Also
allow nyu/boss ordering of rerun
pro/sdss/ removed preselection with flags
pro/probgal/ Use sdss_flag_select